Monday, April 21, 2008

Rendition (2007)

Weekend kemarin menghabiskan waktu dengan nonton dvd. Masi banyak koleksi dvd yang belum sempet tertonton. Film ini uda lama, sepertinya ga terdengar gaungnya. Tapi pas ditonton ga mengecewakan. Katanya sih, based on true story. Sinospisnya sbb (taken form here):

After a terrorist bombing kills an American envoy in a foreign country. An investigation leads to an Egyptian who has been living in the United States for years and who is married to an American. He is apprehended when he's on his way home. The U.S. sends him to the country where the incident occurs for interrogation which includes torture. An American CIA operative observes the interrogation and is at odds whether to keep it going or to stop it. In the meantime, the man's wife raises hell to find him despite being pregnant but the person behind this refuses to help or give her any information.

G suka banget dengan alur ceritanya. Baru sekali ini g lihat film dengan storyline yang begini. Keren n fresh. G baru ngeh di akhir cerita kalo ternyata ada 2 timeframe di film ini. Storyline-nya parallel gitu. Pemain2 film ini juga terkenal. Selain Jake Gylenhall, ada Reese Whiterspoon dan Merryl Streep. G kasih 8 dari 10 popcorn.


Anonymous said...

bagus tha?hmm..ntar de q nonton baru q komen ^^..
american gangster juga true story..

Anonymous said...

ni yang rajane mati, trus mahluk2 jelek pada pulang? bukan?

Anonymous said...

@elmo : K. ditunggu comment nya... ntar kutonton d AG nya...

@mia : bukan, itu kan In The Name Of The King. Film ga mutu tu...

tintabiru said...

Kalo paralel mirip Babel donk.. Bagus juga tuh Babel..

Anonymous said...

@babel : belum nonton babel sih, cm kalo babel kan sepertinya 2 alur (or lebih) yang bersamaan kan? mirip kayak CRASH gitu? Kalo ini waktu nya beda, beda seminggu pula....

Anonymous said...

eh kok @babel ya? maksudnya @tintabiru. Maap... Suka ga konek ni akhir2 ini...