Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Fire Thief

Pas lunch tadi, g, Djaja n Ricky jalan2 ke Times, International Book Store di Karawaci yang letaknya bersebelahan ma kantor g. Tadinya mo cari Maximum Ride - School's Out Forever. Tapi ga ada, adanya yang episode 4 Final Warning. Mo beli percuma juga, ntar malah ga nyambung bacanya.

Trus muter2 liat2, eh ketemu ini. The Fire Thief Trilogy. Sayangnya, sungguh sayang, cuma ada yg nomer 3. Doh... gimana sih, kok ga lengkap gini ya ni toko. Padahal uda suka ma covernya. Dan g yakin pasti isinya bagus. Gabungan antara myth dan fantasy. Ditambah lagi ada sayap. Wakakakaka.... G banget d pokonya.

Tapi karena ga kesampaian beli bukunya, browsing2 deh. Akhirnya ketemu salah satu review di bawah. Jadi makin cinta..... huhuhuhu.... musti hunting neh. Di Gramedia ampir pasti ga ada. Paling ke Kinokuniya ato ke QB. Kapan ya? Kalo gini mah ga jadi ngirit donk.... *sigh

Ini reviewnya, diambil dr sini:
The Fire Thief is written by Terry Deary. It is set in Eden city, England in the year 1858. This book is about 250 pages long. It is ideal reading for all ages because the words are written in large print. This is a wonderful read, especially for anyone who is a fan of mythology.

The book is very fast paced and hard to put down. The Fire Thief begins with one of our main characters, Prometheus, chained to a boulder on the Caucaus Mountains. Anyone who knows the story of Prometheus knows why he is chained there. Prometheus pity-ed humans and so he stole fire from the gods and gave it to them. Zeus, furious with Prometheus sentenced him to an eternity chained to the mountain. The fury, avenger of the gods, in the form of a hawk would come every morning and eat his liver. Then Prometheus would come to life again every night only to meet the same fate in the morning.

This morning was different, Hercules and come and freed Prometheus from his chains. Before he could escape Zeus catches up with him and they make a wager. If Prometheus can find one true human hero then he will be forgiven. Prometheus flys forward into time, with the fury chasing him, to find a hero.Soon he meets with out other main characters, Jim and Uncle Edward. Jim was an orphan boy who was adopted by uncle Edward. They are thieves who travel under the guises of actors. They grow close friendships as they struggle to escape unnoticed and Prometheus searches for a hero.

The Fire Thief ends on a positive note with Prometheus going off to another time to find a hero. Jim and uncle Edward mend their thieving ways with the help of a young girl cook.The Fire Thief is a wonderful book for anyone at any age to read. It is interesting and, aside from the little bit of violence at the beginning, free of violent or explicit content. The Fire Thief teaches a good lesson on friendship and reform. This book is definitely recommended.


Anonymous said...

hm..keliatannya menarik ni ^^

Anonymous said...

wiw .. dah lama gak baca buku lagi. sepertinya menarik nih, apalagi ceritanya mythology gitu.

musti nabung.. nabung
itu juga kalau masih ada kesempatan buat dapatin buku 1-nya, ntar kalau kejadian seperti ente, yang harus hunting ekstra sabar.. dueh