Lemme introduce my two new friends : Hikaru and Takeshi. Both are the pilots of Exo Force Robots. I met them at Sogo, Pondok Indah Mall 2. Here they are: Stealth Hunter (Hikaru) and Grand Titan (Takeshi)
2 years ago
Life’s great as always, it offers me tears, laughs, angers & smiles. Life always teaches me how to grow & to be mature. Above all, there’ll be always my Jesus, who guides me stepping my way. My parchment will tell not only how I fall, but also how I stand back. It won't share how special I am. It will say how special my life that He has given me is. I am not an angel, indeed. And I don't try to be one. I'm just human with limitations, but it doesn't mean I can't fly...
Lemme introduce my two new friends : Hikaru and Takeshi. Both are the pilots of Exo Force Robots. I met them at Sogo, Pondok Indah Mall 2. Here they are: Stealth Hunter (Hikaru) and Grand Titan (Takeshi)
Snag ::: Plug and Play
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9:10 PM
Wew.. Sekarang maenan itu Hans?
Wow.. Keren dan nasionalis skali... Ntar maen sama2 ya...
@tintabiru : iyah... hihihihi... ketularan temenku ni... sial...
@beib : iya ya, baru sadar loh. lha mank lo punya beib?
mao bilang ingat umur.. tapi temen g juga banyak yang koleksi gitu hahaha
@sphyrna : nah loh. Om om aja ada yg koleksi kok.... just find the 'childness' in you...
hans?? benarkah??
@devita : ha? benarkah apa ni?
Lho Hans kok sama kayak Diaz hobbynya Lego, kapan2 tak poto ya Hans Bionicle nya Diaz banyak dweh nganti mumet aku sampe nggak mudeng mana yang Exo Force, Burakhi, baki, kaki.. lah mbuh :(
He hee lucu Hans, auntie LOL baca boso inggris e tapi gitu dah liat potone langsung nyambung! :D
jadi terkenang masa2 SD.. ahhaha..
btw, lego skrg dah modern ya.. dulu yang g punya masih culun.. yang kontraktor ama yang di pom bensin.. hahhahaha..
buat susah2, sekarang cuma ditaro atas lemari, bleduken rak wis.
buat aku aja 1. yang putih. okeh!
@auntie jude : wah.. bisa maen bareng donk. tp bionicle itu beda seri ma exo-force. Tapi sama2 keren sih...
Mau donk...
@handy : jangan lupa cariin ya.... buat g ntar... wakkaka..
@mia : ndak bole. bis ga tau mo ditaruh di mana...
taro mubil aku aja. bole kok. hihihi.
waaaaaaaaaaa!!ebad deh bikinnya.. boleh minta nggak? wkwkwkwkw
@mia : enak aja.... ga bole!!
@elmo : pinjem aja ga bole kok... wakakakak...
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