Sabtu kmrn, 27 Oktober 2007, g nonton The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising.
Story line standard lah. Seperti Harry Potter and Narnia, this film tells us about an ordinary boy who is destined to save this world from darkness. In order to do that he has to find 6 signs to strengthen his power so that he can defeat the Dark. Ceritanya mayan bagus (walo standard, I love fantasy though), belum pernah baca novelnya, tapi kayanya sih bagus, cuma pas uda jadi film, kok jadi serasa kurang greget. Sumting’s missing, terlalu cepet alur ceritanya, kurang detail gitu. Terutama waktu tokoh utamanya cari sign, mustinya bisa lebih detil. But that’s only me. Special effect-nya mayan lah. Ga ada actor/actrees yang g tau, tapi cukup mayan. Mungkin ga seheboh Harry Potter, tapi mayan kok. Overall, this movie is not too bad to be seen in cinemas. Kalo ada sekuelnya, g masi pengen nonton. Secara g demen ama cerita-cerita fantasy. Such a dreamer, I guess.
2 years ago
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