Dapet dari imel nih, katanya kalo bisa nemuin kepala orang dalam waktu 3 detik, berarti otak-nya berkembang luar biasa, kalo dalam waktu 1 menit, berarti otak berkembang secara normal, lebih dari 1 menit, doh…… ga tau d…… hehehehehe……
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Can You Find Man's Head?
Snag ::: Fun and Fabulous 11 Bite(s)
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4:31 PM
My Blog Reading Level
I found this on my friend's blog. I checked it out. Turning out that they who are post graduated who will totally understand when reading my blog. Geez... is it that hard? I'm myself is only graduated.
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Snag ::: Quickie Quiz 0 Bite(s)
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10:24 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I loathe the pellet, I despise these places
I can’t bear people look at me amazed
I can’t stand to see their smiling faces
I don’t want to be spree
I don’t want to be beautiful
I want my life be meaningful
I just want to be free
I have my own odyssey
I have so much to say
I know I can’t fly
But I believe I can touch my own sky
Why don’t they let me?
Why do they keep me?
Will I be forever clownfish?
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Snag ::: Symphonic Screams 3 Bite(s)
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2:52 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Better Man - Shayne Ward
I found this lyric was so beautiful. Enjoy!!!
Here it is:
Until the oceans all run dry
Until the stars fall from the sky
Even if words dont seem to rhyme
Ill be addicted to your smile
And if the wind blows out the sun
Ill still believe you are the one
No matter what we're going through
I'll plan to spend my nights with you
I promise you my heart wont fade
I swear to you my soul always
It isnt hard to understand
You're making me a better man
Baby my love will say it all
I'll always catch you when you fall
And if the hard times get too much
I'll still be craving for your touch
Back to Refr.
I dedicate my world
I dedicate my all
For every moment
Your leaving me breathless
I dedicate my touch
Forevers not enough
I wanna hold on
I just wanna hold on to you
Back to Refr.
It isnt hard to understand
You’re making me a better man
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Snag ::: Lingering Lyrics 0 Bite(s)
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5:50 PM
4th Weekend
Sabtu, 24 November 07 pulang dari rumah Fellys jam 11an, makan Mie Medan, ampe rumah jam 12an. Mandi trus bobo. Istirahat sebentar, soalnya ngantuk banget. Rencananya jam 15.30 bakal cabut lagi ke Senayan City. Felix yang kerja di Palembang lagi dateng ke Jakarta, so sekalian temu kangen ama yang laen2 juga. Jam 13.30 ditelp Fanny, rencana dimajuin, soalnya Finny n Desi uda di Senayan City. Y awes lah, dengan badan yang masih lelah, jemput Fanny n Yei di depan BCA Slipi. G lagi males macet2an, n secara di Kemanggisan lagi ada galian yang bikin tambah macet, g minta mereka ke Slipi aja. Dan ternyata di Tanjung Duren n di depan Citraland macetnya kayak orang gila, alhasil mereka nungguin g ampir 20 menit. Ha2. Maap2. Belok ke arah Tanah Abang, di depan BCA, karena keliatannya jalanan di depan macet, tapi akhirnya muter2 di Thamrin karena salah ambil jalur. Wakakakak.
Akhirnya jam 15.30an juga baru nyampe SenCi. Nyampe di sana langsung makan Tepanyaki, secara perut juga uda teriak2. Trus jalan2 ga jelas, trus nemenin Finny nyobain wedding gown di Tina Andrean. Finny mo merit taon depan, jadi skrg2 lagi sibuk2nya. G n Felix Cuma duduk n sesekali liat n kasi komentar waktu Finny cobain gown. Uda ampir tidur di sofa. Jam 18.30 cabut dari SenCi, meluncur ke PI buat nganterin Felix yang uda ditunggu temennya di sono. Bis Felix turun, lanjut ke Harvest. Ga mo beli kue juga, cuma nunjukin jalan ma Firman, secara Firman ga tau jalan ke sana. Desi mo beli kue tart buat mamanya, yang hari itu ulang tahun. Met ultah ya Tante……… Ngrasa laper, akhirnya makan di Hongkong Café. Kali ini pesen Black Pepper Beef Baked Rice. Enak sih, tapi ga seenak Fish Fillet Baked Rice yang waktu itu g pesen. Lebih spicy aja. Minum Iced Peach Tea, yang ga seenak Green Glory-nya. Setelah kenyang pulang deh (after take few shots di depan HK Café, ga g pasang di sini, soalnya bisa menimbulkan hal2 yang aneh bin lucu, ha3), pisah jalan ama Firman n Desi. Nganterin Finny, Fanny n Yei, trus meluncur pulang. Ampe rumah, mandi, trus mo nyantai2 sambil liat Indonesian Idol.
Ga berapa lama Fellys telpon ngajakin ke Starbucks. Udah janjian se sorenya mo ke Starbuck sambil maen Saboteur. Cuma pas dia telp malem kok cape banget rasanya. Jadi g batalin d. Eh bis itu Jerre telp, maksa ikut. Tapi tetep keukeuh ga mo ikut, secara badan uda mo patah. Tapi after that ngrasa ga enak, akhirnya telp balik Jerre, minta dijemput. Ho3. Nyampe Starbuck Sarinah, buset, rame banget (lagian uda tau kalo malem minggu rame, masi aja nekat ke sono). Tapi dapet tempat juga se, mayan enak pula karena sofanya gede, jadi bisa sambil bobo. Pesen Caramel Java Chip. Tapi pas diminum kok rasanya beda, pas liat di whip creamnya, loh kok coklat? Biasanya kan caramel? Doenk… baru nyadar itu kan chocolate cream chip. Doh!! Mana uda telanjur diminum pula. Fiuh… ya uda d, ga enak ma barista-nya kalo minta ganti, kasian. Lagian sebenernya ga bole minum kopi juga. Enak juga, walo ga seenak caramel java chip………
Pulang dari sono jam 2, ampe rumah jam setengah tigaan, online bentar trus bobo ampe jam 10. Bis itu nonton dvd, bobo lagi n sorenya ke gereja. Bis ke greja pengen cari baju buat kondangan, tapi uda cape banget, pulang d. Lia telp jam 7 an ngajakin nonton Enchanted jam 21.25. Weks… thanks, but no thanks. Uda lelah banget…… Akibatnya Senin ini ga ada movie review dari g.
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Snag ::: Regular Roars 2 Bite(s)
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10:21 AM
Jerre's Bday
Jumat kmrn makan2 di Hanamasa. Ditraktir temen2 ITDP2 yang ultah dari bulan Juni – November 2007. (ITDP is a Information Technology Development Program, ask me if u wanna know further) Bis pulang makan2, ke tempat Richie, numpang mandi. Hari itu mo spend the night di rumah Fellys (kos’an Jerre), had a surprise for Jerre’s bday. Tadinya mo mandi di tempat Jerre, tapi aernya lagi mati, jadi ya mandi di rumah Richie. Bis mandi baru ke rumah Fellys. Jerre uda curiga mo ditimpukin, tapi bodo amat. Ha3. Jam 12 teng, ada 3 satpam yang ngedatengin rumah Fellys (ini ide nya Ruwi yang dilaksanakan oleh Ronald). Ceritanya negor kita2 yang pas saat itu lagi maen2nya terlalu berisik sehingga mengganggu tetangga. Pokonya dengan improvisasi dari Ronald n satpam2 dengan bakat acting yang pas2an, berhasillah si Jerre digiring ke pos satpam. G ga tau apa aja yg diomongin di pos satpam. G, Richie, Lia n Fellys sibuk nyiapin ‘ramuan’ yang bakal ditimpukin si Jerre, sementara Ronald, Ahau n Ruwi nemenin Jerre ke pos satpam
(ini juga karena kayanya acting nya satpam2 ga gitu meyakinkan, sehingga Ronald dkk musti ngikut). Bahan2 buat nimpukin udah disiapin ma Ronald se, tapi musti dipindahin ke gelas2 kecil, biar nanti gampang waktu disiramin ke Jerre. Finally, Jerre kena timpuk dengan sukses. Setau g ada telor n kiranti, bahan pokok kalo mo nimpukin temen yang ulang taon. Trus abis itu ditaburin tepung. Hahahahaha… Applause buat idenya Ruwi, salute buat usaha Ronald ngerayu satpam…… n kasian buat Jerre. Hahahaha…
Finally, Happy B’day Jerre.
Wish u all d best in your life.
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Snag ::: Regular Roars 2 Bite(s)
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10:20 AM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Sabtu tanggal 17 kemarin g ke Klinik Mata Nusantara, disuru ma nyokap g. Nyokap g bilang pusing2 yang g sering rasain tu gara2 mata. G pernah pake kacamata, n sampai Sabtu kemarin juga masih pake kacamata. Kacamata pertama g ukurannya +0.25 kanan kiri. Ini disaranin ma yang punya optik. Fine2 aja sih waktu pake tu kacamata, mungkin krn ukurannya juga ga gede n lebih difungsikan untuk menangkal radiasi. Masalahnya kalo lagi ditanyain ma temen2, kacamatanya ukuran brapa. Kalo g bilang PLUS, pasti langsung diketawain, katanya uda tua. Ugh. 2 or 3 taon lalu g ke Jakarta Eye Center, eh tnyata dikasi lagi kacamata ukuran silinder -0.5 kanan kiri. Jadi bingung. Yang ngukur gimana se????? Akhirnya tetep aja dipake, soalnya pas waktu mo beli kacamata di Optik Melawai, org yang ngukur juga bilang kalo mata g silinder -0.5. TAPI, kemaren pas cek di Klinik Mata Nusantara yang di pinggir tol kebon jeruk itu, baik optician maupun dokternya bilang g ga perlu pake kacamata, karena mata g bagus. LOH????? Dokternya cuma ngasi resep vitamin (Ocugard) n obat tetes mata (Cendo Asthenof). Katanya mata g sering kelelahan jadi sering pusing gitu. Weird……
Sekarang sih uda mayan baek, pusing2 nya juga uda berkurang. Ga tau karena ga pake kacamata lagi, ato karena vitamin, ato karena kalung yang g pake skarang. Kalung? Iya, kalung putih yang skrg melingkar di leher g. Sebenernya ga pede ni pake ni kalung, secara ni kalung warna-nya putih n bentuknya kayak kalung cewe. Tapi my mom insist me to wear it, cause katanya ini kalung kesehatan, kalung magnet bla bla bla… Iya se, sejak pake ni kalung, pusing2 g jadi mayan berkurang, tapi ga tau karena bener pake ni kalung or hal yang laen. Yeah… sementara g pake dulu d………
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Snag ::: Regular Roars 5 Bite(s)
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5:47 PM
Honeymoon vs Marriage
I listened to HardRock FM on my way to work this morning. They were Steny, Wina and Bayu on air. There was one joke of theirs that left sumthing in my mind. Wina said ‘Yeah, honeymoon is completely different from a real life (marriage itself).'
I haven’t been in a marriage, but someday I do hope I will. Well, I do agree there will be a lot of struggles in a marriage. In my sight, honeymoon is a happy vacation for newlyweds celebrating their commitment and their willingness for being together till death do them part and a marriage is a way to do their commitment. So, on their honeymoon they should be happy. The question is shouldn’t they be in their marriage for the rest of their life?
Honeymoon is different, compare to marriage, yeah I do agree. But should they be compared? I mean when you celebrate there’s nothing to worry about, you’ll have fun. It is not the hardest part. But it doesn’t mean, you will never be happy when you are struggling for your marriage.
It is just a state of mind, yeah, mine. When I heard that statement, for me, it was a little bit cynical. Oh gosh, I’m over reacted. Hahahahaha……
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Snag ::: Personal Paradigms 0 Bite(s)
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9:35 AM
Monday, November 19, 2007
Victorious Parody
Hurray!!!!! Parody-nya menang. Senangnya…… kerja keras dan usaha yang bikin cape n ngantuk ga sia2. Fiuh…… terbayar lunas dengan kemenangan itu.
Ini foto2 setelah parody-nya selesai…
Hayo, g yang mana???
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Snag ::: Regular Roars 6 Bite(s)
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2:37 PM
If That's Okay With You - Shayne Ward
Snag ::: Lingering Lyrics 2 Bite(s)
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2:00 PM
Monday, saatnya cerita tentang movie. Soalnya biasanya malem minggu terlewatkan dengan nonton bioskop. Sabtu kemarin nonton STARDUST. Ide cerita sederhana, dengan balutan aksen Inggris di dalamnya, for me, amazing. Tata suara, kostum dan set nya pas. Sok banget ga se? Hehehehehe…… Sok jadi kritikus film ne.
Secara garis besar ceritanya kayak gini:
A young man names Tristan (Charlie Cox) tries to win the heart of Victoria (Sienna Miller), the beautiful but cold object of her desire, by going on a quests to retrieve a fallen star. His journey takes him to a mysterious and forbidden land beyond the walls of his village. On his odyssey, Tristan finds the star, which has transformed into a striking girl named Yvaine (Claire Danes). However, Tristan is not the only one seeking the star. A king’s (Peter O’ Toole) four sons - all need the star as they vie to the throne. Tristan must also overcome the evil witch, Lamia (Michelle Pfiffer), who needs the star to make her young again.
As Tristan battles to survive these threats, encountering a pirate named Captain Shakespeare (Robert De Niro) and a shady trader named Ferdy the Fence (Ricky Gervais) along the way, his quest changes. He must now win the heart of the star for himself as he discovers the meaning of true love.
Overall, this film is good. This film deserves 3 of 5 stars.
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Snag ::: Screen Shouts 8 Bite(s)
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11:27 AM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Me and Myself
SJ Temperament - The "Protectors"
SJs are observant, stable and motivated by a need to maintain security. They are realistic, routinized administrators requiring tasks be completed correctly and that people behave appropriately. SJs make thorough examinations to ensure everything is done according to plan. They make sure no more and no less credit is given than due. When a need arises, they are quick to provide a solution, provided that the need is justified. SJs are not driven by impulse, but rather by concrete fact. By virtue of their reliable, diligent, industrious, persevering nature, they make excellent leaders.
ESTJ - The "Overseer"
ESTJs are responsible, logical, norm-following hard workers. Their efforts are carried out in a practical, structured manner. ESTJs trust facts and experiences more than theories. They are decisive, loyal, tradition observing individuals. They enjoy being the person in charge and often make good supervisors.
Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence
People with Linguistic intelligence love and are talented with words. They enjoy reading, writing and learning languages. They have an ability to teach and explain things to others. They learn best by reading, taking notes and going to lectures.
Common Characteristics
* Notices grammatical mistakes
* Often speaks of what they have read
* Likes to use "fancy" words
* Loves word games
* Cherishes their book collection
* Easily remembers quotes and famous sayings
* Likes puns and rhymes
* Enjoys writing
* Enjoys foreign language
* Always enjoyed English class
Career Matches
* Writer (any type)
* Editor
* Public Speaker
* Politician
* Preacher
* Teacher
* Journalist
* Broadcaster
* English / Writing Tutor
* Actor / Actress
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Snag ::: Quickie Quiz 2 Bite(s)
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2:11 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Monday and Birthday
Lovely Monday, ain’t it? Harapan akan hari Senin yang indah uda keganggu dengan rasa nyut2an di kepala. Entah kenapa, pala g skrg sering banget nyut2an. Ditambah lagi rasa sakit di bahu, rasa ga enak di tenggorokan plus pegel2 di betis gara2 perjalanan kmrn, rasanya uda mengkonsumsi 30% keindahan hari Senin ini. Fiuh……
Kemarin ade g ulang taon. Dirayain bareng sekeluarga + oma opa dengan pergi ke puncak. Ga ngapa2in seh, hanya menikmati ke-santai-an plus udara yang mayan seger di sana. Ga tau knapa, rasa2nya udaranya juga ga sebersih di Tawangmangu or Kaliurang (semacam perbuktian juga di Jawa Tengah). Pas kecil dulu sering pergi ke Tawangmangu, n asik2 aja tuh buka kaca jendela. Kalo di puncak, beh, asepnya man…… kagak nahan…… ya walopun jauh lebih bersih dibanding di bilangan Kebon Jeruk. Ya pokonya, 2 hari di Puncak, bisa mengurangi tense yang g rasain akhir2 ini, or at least menarikku dari penatnya kehidupan di Jakarta, cieh… bahasanya cing……
Happy Belated Birthday to You, Sis!
Hari ini giliran Fanny yang ulang taon. Ga ada surprise, karena g kmrn di puncak n pulang2 juga uda letoy. Wish u all d best……
Happy Birthday, Fanny!
Berharap sisa hari ini akan lebih menyenangkan. Yah, semoga…… Tapi jikalau tidak pun, musti bisa bersyukur……… Thanx God for every air I breath……
Ada semut naek keledai,
Semuanya, hef e naiz dai
(jayuz, ini pun nyontek)
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Snag ::: Regular Roars 4 Bite(s)
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1:56 PM
Friday, November 9, 2007
2nd Week of November
Hualloooo…… Seminggu ini buuuooooseeeeeennnn banget. Kerjaan serasa cuma 15 menit tiap harinya. Alhasil cuma browsing, ceting, dengerin lagu, sms-an, minum aer banyak2, ke wc, jalan-jalan n ngurusin parody. Bener2 membosankan. Uda gitu ni kepala sering banget nyut2an. Ga tau knapa, mungkin kurang bobo2, mungkin kecapean, mungkin masuk angin, ato mungkin kacamata g uda ga pas. Bisa jadi juga karena posisi duduk yang ga enak, secara kursi kantor g kecil n senderannya pun cuma pas foto alias setengah badan. Cobain pijat mata pake alat yang dapet gratisan dari kartu kredit Lippo (sekalian promosi ne……), tapi ga ngefek juga, yang ada malah mata g jadi gatel2 abis tu pake alat. Yah semoga ini pusing ga berkepanjangan.
Lippo barusan dapet achievement as Best National Bank 2007, dan kita dikasi dana untuk celebrate tuh achievement. Grup IT ngadain yang namanya halal bi halal. Di halal bi halal ini setiap divisi diharuskan bikin satu parody, untuk ngisi acara. Parody tiap divisi ini dilombain n yang menang bakal dapet hadiah 1,5 M (M nya million, bukan millyard). Kecil seh, tapi toh buat lucu-lucuan aja. Para kepala divisi kayanya semangat banget. Temen g yg ditunjuk sebagai ketua tim sukses nunjuk g untuk terlibat dalam tim-nya, karena itulah seminggu ini g jadi mayan sok sibuk ngurus2 tu parody. Cuma dikasi durasi 10 menit buat nampilin semua warga 1 divisi yang jumlahnya ampir 70 orang bikin kepala pusing juga. Scenario dibuat, peran dibagi2, n kemarin mulai latihan. Lucu sih….. ngakak2 juga. Tapi perjuangan masi panjang…. Hohohohohohoho……
Finally, it was absolutely not the best week, just hope this weekend will be better. Going to Puncak with my family, hope it will refresh me and pull me out from my routinity for a while.
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Snag ::: Regular Roars 2 Bite(s)
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4:57 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
The Good Husband
Jack wakes up with a huge hangover after attending his company's Christmas Party. Jack is not normally a drinker, but the drinks didn't taste like alcohol at all. He didn't even remember how he got home from the party. As bad as he was feeling, he wondered if he did something wrong. Jack had to force himself to open his eyes, and the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirins next to a glass of water on the side table. And, next to them, a single red rose! Jack sits up and sees his clothing in front of him, all clean and pressed. He looks around the room and sees that it is in perfect order, spotlessly clean. So is the rest of the house.
He takes the aspirins, cringes when he sees a huge black eye staring back at him in the bathroom mirror. Then he notices a note hanging on the corner of the mirror written in red with little hearts on it and a kiss mark from his wife in lipstick: "Honey, breakfast is on the stove, I left early to get groceries to make you your favorite dinner tonight. I love you, darling! Love, Jillian" He stumbles to the kitchen and sure enough, there is hot breakfast, steaming hot coffee and the morning newspaper. His son is also at the table, eating.
Jack asks, "Son... what happened last night?" "Well, you came home after 3 A. M., drunk and out of your mind. You fell over the coffee table and broke it, and then you puked in the hallway, and got that black eye when you ran into the door. Confused, he asked his son, "So, why is everything in such perfect order and so clean? I have a rose, and breakfast is on the table waiting for me??" His son replies, "Oh THAT!... Mom dragged you to the bedroom, and when she tried to take your pants off, you screamed, "Leave me alone, I'm married!!"
Broken Coffee Table $239.99
Hot Breakfast $4.20
Two Aspirins $.38
Saying the right thing, at the right time .. Priceless!!!
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Snag ::: Fun and Fabulous 1 Bite(s)
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11:40 AM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Butterfly On A Wheel
Nonton lagi sabtu kemarin. Kali ini Butterfly on A Wheel. Bisa dibilang thriller, dengan alur yang cukup cepat, ga banyak ngomong, namun berarti. G sih mayan suka dengan film2 ginian, di mana sepanjang film, kita dibuat bertanya-tanya, berpikir n coba menganalisa or menebak-nebak n dikasi kejutan di akhir cerita. For me, ceritanya mayan standart, karena ide ceritanya bisa ketebak sedikit di awal cerita. Sinopsisnya kayak gini (taken from : http://imdb.com/title/tt0489664/plotsummary):
Neil and Abby Warner have the perfect life and a perfect marriage. With their beautiful young daughter, Sophie, they are living the American dream... until today. When Sophie is suddenly kidnapped, they have no choice but to comply with the abductors demands. The kidnapper - Ryan, a cold and calculating sociopath takes over their lives with the brutal efficiency of someone who has nothing to lose. In the blink of an eye Neil and Abby's safe and secure existence is turned upside down. Over the next twenty four hours they are at the mercy of a man who wants only one thing. That they do his bidding. It soon becomes clear that Ryan's demands are all the more terrifying... because he doesn't want their money. What he wants is for Neil and Abbyís life, the life that they have built over 10 years, to be systematically dismantled and destroyed. Piece by piece. With time running out on their little girl, Neil and Abby realize their nightmare is about to take its most deadly turn: They will have to face Ryan's final, horrifying challenge - would they kill an innocent man to save their own child? In the far distance a solitary light burns in the window of a lodge as the car glides to a halt - and Neil knows it is a question only he can answer - when Ryan hands him the gun...
Overall, this film is recommended. But not to be seen in cinema. Cukup di DVD saja. Hehehehe...
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Snag ::: Screen Shouts 1 Bite(s)
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1:03 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
The Seeker : The Dark Is Rising
Sabtu kmrn, 27 Oktober 2007, g nonton The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising.
Story line standard lah. Seperti Harry Potter and Narnia, this film tells us about an ordinary boy who is destined to save this world from darkness. In order to do that he has to find 6 signs to strengthen his power so that he can defeat the Dark. Ceritanya mayan bagus (walo standard, I love fantasy though), belum pernah baca novelnya, tapi kayanya sih bagus, cuma pas uda jadi film, kok jadi serasa kurang greget. Sumting’s missing, terlalu cepet alur ceritanya, kurang detail gitu. Terutama waktu tokoh utamanya cari sign, mustinya bisa lebih detil. But that’s only me. Special effect-nya mayan lah. Ga ada actor/actrees yang g tau, tapi cukup mayan. Mungkin ga seheboh Harry Potter, tapi mayan kok. Overall, this movie is not too bad to be seen in cinemas. Kalo ada sekuelnya, g masi pengen nonton. Secara g demen ama cerita-cerita fantasy. Such a dreamer, I guess.
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Snag ::: Screen Shouts 0 Bite(s)
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9:54 AM
I close the door
Like so many times, so many times before
Filmed like a scene on the cutting room floor
When I let you walk away tonight
Without a word
I try to sleep, yeah
But the clock is stuck on thoughts of you and me
A thousand more regrets unraveling, ohh
If you were here right now, I swear,
I'd tell you this
Baby I don't want to waste another day
Keeping it inside it's killing me
'Cause all I ever want, it comes right down to you (to you)
I'm wishing I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you every time you leave
I'm inconsolable
I climb the walls
I can see the edge but I can't take the fall, no.
I've memorised the number
So why can't i make the call
Maybe 'cause I know you'll always be with me
In the possibilities
Baby I don't wanna waste another day (another day)
Keeping it inside it's killing me
'Cause all I ever want it comes right down to you (to you)
I wish that I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you every time you leave
I'm inconsolable
Oh oh no no no
I don't wanna be like this
I just wanna let you know
'Cause everything that I hold in
Is everything I can't let go
Oh oh oh oh can't let go
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
'Cause baby I don't wanna waste another day
Keeping it inside it's killing me (killing me 'cause)
'Cause all I ever want (all I ever wanted)
Comes right down to you (to you), to you (to you)
I wish that I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you every time you leave
I'm inconsolable
Oh oh oh oh
Don't you know it baby
I don't wanna waste another day
I wish that I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you every time you leave
I'm inconsolable
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah oh oh
I'm inconsolable
Whoa oh oh oh yeah yeah oh oh
I'm inconsolable
Oh oh yeah yeah
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Snag ::: Lingering Lyrics 0 Bite(s)
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9:30 AM