What's been a year?
A new me. Me, who started to learn about what life really is. A life that was filled with love. Love itself, as the time went by, was not only what I felt, but what I committed to, what I did for it, what sacrifice that I was willing to make.
Life, like love, for me, is about understanding. The meaning of life, is not how I regret and being grumpy because of what I can not reach. It is about how to accept and understand that there are many things I can not control. Like I always say, life ain't beautiful until I decide it is.
I have learnt so many, yet I did make mistakes. I laughed a lot, yet tears went down. But that is how I grow up. It is not my birthday, nor my wedding day. But this day is special, I thank God for giving me this day one year before.
*postingan ga penting nih, cuma asal nulis*
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Monday, September 28, 2009
It's Been A Year
Snag ::: Personal Paradigms 0 Bite(s)
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9:34 AM
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Morning Alarm
Aku tengah lelap meringkuk di ranjangku ketika jam di kamar berdentang 2 kali. Aku terbangun dan melihatmu mengendap, sedikit berjingkat berusaha tak membangunkanku.
"Hi!" sapaku. Kamu terkaget dan tersenyum padaku, "Hey, sorry, waking you up. Go back to sleep!" Aku berdeham dan kembali tertidur.
Entah berapa lama aku tertidur, saat aku merasakan kehangatan tanganmu memeluk pinggangku.
"Glad to see you back," kataku setengah sadar.
"I miss you" kau berbisik.
"Are you serious?" tanyaku tak percaya.
"Serious" nafasmu menghangatkan punggungku.
"I miss you too..."
Aku terbangun dari tidurku. Kumatikan alarm handphoneku dan ku berbalik. Tak kudapati kau di sana. 'Alarm sialan,' umpatku dalam hati.
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Snag ::: Maginificent Memoirs 0 Bite(s)
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