There's no word i cud say
Nor there i cud write
To let this feeling lay
In the brightest light
Love, what people tell
Ain't sumting i know really well
Love, what people soar
Ain't sumthing i cud roar
But when it comes to you
I know it's true
Sent to you.
July, 20 2009.
01:37 a.m.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I Know
Snag ::: Symphonic Screams 1 Bite(s)
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11:14 AM
Monday, July 13, 2009
Bless The Broken Road
I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true
Now I'm just rolling home
Into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you.
Lagunya bagus loh, akustik gituh. Ni ada di albumnya Hannah Montana The Movie.
Link donlotnya :
1 Album
Bless The Broken Road
Lagunya bagus bagus... Yang seru yg judulnya Hoedown Throwdown. Bisa buat nari2 kayak orang gila. Wkwkwkwk... Enjoy!!!
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Snag ::: Lingering Lyrics 1 Bite(s)
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1:21 PM
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Between Ice and Cold
Libur pemilu presiden kemarin adalah angin seger buat g, yang uda dengan sangatnya mengalami kebosanan dan kejenuhan di kantor. Walo cuma sehari, tetep aja kayak berkat tak ternilai. *halah....
Nyontreng gak Hans? Ya iya pasti donk!!!! Walo ga dapet undangan milih, karena uda 2 hari rumah g kalo siang ga ada orang, karena pembokat pulang kampung buat nyontreng, g ma si Mia melangkah dengan pasti ke TPS deket rumah. Ampe sono nyodorin KTP. Petugasnya nyari2 nama g di list pemilih n uda ketemu. Tapi bukannya dikasi lembar contrengan *halah* malah disuru nunggu. Tapi akirnya nyontreng juga setelah nunggu ampir 15 menitan.
Kemarin sebenernya ga ada acara, secara malemnya g baru bobox jam 3 dan pas bangun, tenggorokan serasa abis nelen duren. Tapi pulang nyontreng, diajakin nonton Ice Age. Hm.... good offer eh? Cepet2 mandi, siap2, dan 10 menit kemudian uda jalan ke mobil Andi yg nunggu di depan gang rumah.
Nonton di TA. Fiuh... ramenya.... kayak semut baris. Panas... tapi Budi uda ngantri ampir sampe depan. Akhirnya beli tiket 10 biji. 10? Banyak amit.... iya donk... Itung yuk : Budi, Andi, Mia, Yeye, Welli, 2 temen Welli, Firman, Desi. Brapa tuh? 9 kan? Ama g jadi 10 donk. Trus makan deh, di Ajisen Ramen. Pesen Fish Don Buri. Pas mo makan, iseng2 g bolak balik timunnya. Dan... dum dum ru dum dum ru dum dum..... ada ijo2 yang menggeliat geliat di sana. Lucu sekali!!!! Hiatttttttt.....
Fish Don Buri : 19.8 K
Ocha Hot : 8.8K
Plus 10% tax.
Andi manggil mbaknya trus bilang "Mbak, ini ada bonus nya loh"
Si mbak yang ngeliat tu ijo2, lgs minta maaf, dan tu makanan lgs dibawa pergi. Trus digantilah dengan yang baru.... *wait, bener baru ga ya? ato cuma diganti timunnya? Ga taulah... makan juga dengan un-nafsu. Uda perut lagi ga enak, makanannya juga ga enak. Tau gitu, tadi g makan aja tu ijo2, sapa tau enak.... wkakakakak....
Ice Age 3? Lucuuuuuu..... Bagus ni film. Lebih puas nonton film ini drpd nonton Transformer 2. Menghibur dan menghibur. Tonton deh!!! Kalo bisa yang 3D. G sih ga nonton yang 3D. Hehehehe....
Movie tickets : 35K
Abis nonton, muter2 TA, trus nongkrong di J.Co. Beli hot chocolate yang mayan nendang. Jam 6an pulang, buat mandi. Badan mulai krasa ga enak ni. Lemes, letoy, eneg, dan konco2nya. Trus jam 9 pegi makan ma Andi di Bun Ong, Green Garden.
Hot Chocolate Reg. : 26K
Pesen nasi tim babi kecap. Enak euy. Sayur asemnya juga asemnya pas.... Padahal g gak lagi kelaparan. Coba kalo lagi laper n lagi nafsu makan, pasti abis 2 porsi *halah... lebay...
Nasi Tim Babi Kecap : 25K
Teh Manis Panas : 3K
Abis makan langsung pulang. Si angin kayanya uda mulai masuk ni..... Kecurigaan g sih, gara2 nonton Ice Age. G kan biasa idup di negara tropis, tiba2 lgs dikasi salju, jadi masuk angin deh.... hux...
PS. Tulisan blog g ini kok jadi selalu masuk di fesbuk ya? Mo cari settingannya tapi ga ketemu2...
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Snag ::: Delicious Delight, Regular Roars, Screen Shouts 5 Bite(s)
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3:43 PM
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The Revenge
Well, finally, I got a chance to watch the super-exciting-so-called movie whatsoever. Transformer : The Revenge of The Fallen. Yesterday, 8.30 pm, at Theatre 2, EX Plaza.
I stepped up to the cinema with full of expectations, since watching Transformers 1 made my mouth making an "O" shape since the begining of the film until the end. It was over expectation.
Yesterday, I enjoyed every scene it showed me. In the middle of the show, something bothered me, a-want-to-pee-calling, but still, I wouldn't want to miss a single shot of Michael Bay's.
I do agree, it was a fantastic movie. The robots, the fights between them, the romances, or even the tears of Bumblebee were good. It was good, really. But I wasn't impressed. I could say that the storyline was not strong enough.
When I tried to remember what Transformers 1 offered, it was practically not different, the contents were quite similar, only different package. So my guessing was Transformers 1 made me impressed, but Transformers 2 could not, because, as much as I realize now, all I wanted is to watch something new.
Well, it is just me. You guys, I believe, have your own scoring. Is it worth to watch? Of course. It's kind of movie that I want to watch again some other time. And I look forward to another Autobot's sequel.
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Snag ::: Screen Shouts 2 Bite(s)
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2:13 PM