Monday, January 16, 2012

Last Night

It's a 2010 movie actually, but it is on theater. Yeah, I watched it on 2012. Still, it's a good movie.

Joanna (Keira Knightley) and Michael (Sam Worthington) had been married for 3 years. It was a happy marriage. Someday, when Michael should take a business trip with a beautiful yet attractive colleague, that her wife was jealous too, Joanna met her past love. It was only one night. But everything could happen.

Keira played so good, at least for me. Her expression of struggling was shown very well. For an Australian born, Sam's British accent was good. With not too much expression, Sam also showed what he'd been struggling along the movie.

The film might bore you a while, but I suggest you to sit still for it's kinda good. Somehow the director kinda tell us that men are easier to give up when it comes to temptation. Enjoy!
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I find my self between days of works. I am caught in my routine. It is somehow meaningless.

No passion. I feel like a robot, though I have never been one. I am listening to love songs, and none can touch me. I read books and I don't enjoy any of them. I watch movies and they are just 'as-usual'. My heart is frozen. What the hell is going on with me?

I feel like I could enjoy laying on my bed all day. But wait, it bores me too!!! Damn it!
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