Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Travelling dan Air Asia

Saya selalu mencintai travelling. Sedari kecil, kedua orang tua saya selalu mengajak saya bepergian setiap musim liburan tiba, baik liburan caturwulan (ya, saya masih mengalami masa-masa ini) atau pun kenaikan kelas. Pulau Jawa, Bali dan Lombok sudah merasakan hangatnya kedua kaki kecil saya, kaki yang selalu ingin merasakan keras lembutnya tanah di berbagai penjuru dunia. Namun, kecintaan saya terhadap travelling harus berhenti untuk sementara. Sejak saya duduk di bangku SMU dan bersekolah di luar kota, saya disibukkan dengan berbagai macam kegiatan sekolah, yang akhirnya mengorbankan waktu travelling bersama keluarga. Tak hanya itu, mahalnya tiket pesawat pada saat itu juga menjadi penghalang bagi kami untuk berwisata ke tempat-tempat baru.

Di awal tahun 2008, ketika saya sudah bekerja di suatu perusahaan perbankan di Jakarta, naluri untuk bepergian ini tumbuh kembali. Yah mungkin juga karena saya sudah mampu berpenghasilan sendiri. Sehari setelah ulang tahun saya yang kedua puluh lima, saya berhasil merasakan hembusan angin di negeri Jiran. Bersama papa, mama dan adik saya, saya mencicipi nasi campur di Jalan Petaling dan menghirup dinginnya udara di Genting. Dan Air Asia-lah pesawat pertama yang mewujudkan keinginan saya untuk bepergian keluar negeri. Yah, itu adalah pertama kalinya saya menikmati budaya mancanegara. Delapan hari lamanya saya habiskan di Kuala Lumpur dan Singapura kala itu.

Penerbangan bersama Air Asia di bulan Maret 2008 ini adalah awal perubahan hidup saya. Penerbangan pulang pergi ke Pulau Dewata pada Februari 2009 seharga 300.000 rupiah membuat saya selalu mempercayakan perjalanan saya pada Air Asia. Saya menjadikan Air Asia sebagai patokan ketika naluri saya untuk travelling sedang ingin dipuaskan. Enam tahun telah lewat dan tidak 1 tahun pun saya lewatkan tanpa bepergian dengan Air Asia.

Ketika ada yang bertanya kepada saya bagaimana Air Asia mengubah hidup saya, saya akan bercerita panjang lebar, bercerita tentang murahnya berbelanja di Chatucak dan bingungnya tersesat di Bangkok, bercerita tentang serunya menyusuri goa kelelawar dengan berkano di Phang Nga Bay dan bercengkerama bersama anak-anak di Panyee Village , bercerita tentang indahnya Symphony of Light di Victoria Harbor dan lelahnya mendaki menuju Tian Than Buddha di Ngong Ping, bercerita tentang keindahan panorama bawah laut Redang Island, bercerita tentang eloknya reruntuhan gereja Saint Paul dan enaknya eggtart Senado Square di Macau.

Saya juga akan meminta orang yang bertanya pada saya itu kembali tahun depan, untuk menanyakan hal yang sama. Saya akan bercerita tentang sibuk dan meriahnya kehidupan di Shinjuku. Saya akan mengajarkannya sedikit bahasa dan tulisan kanji. Saya akan memberikan beberapa koleksi foto saya ber-selfie di Osaka Tower. Dan kalau bisa, saya akan membawakannya salju Alpen Toyama. Hahahaha....

Air Asia tidak hanya mengubah hidup saya. Air Asia masih terus mengubah hidup saya sampai saat ini. Masih banyak tempat yang ingin saya kunjungi. Masih banyak keindahan alam yang belum saya nikmati. Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Terengganu, Pulau Redang, Singapura, Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Macau dan Denpasar, adalah saksi mata perubahan hidup saya, perubahan hidup konstan yang terjadi berkat Air Asia. Tokyo, Tateyama, Shirakawa, Kyoto dan Osaka akan menjadi saksi selanjutnya, dan saya yakin masih banyak kota-kota yang akan menjadi saksi bisu perjalanan saya bersama Air Asia. Bagi saya, travelling adalah Air Asia, dan Air Asia adalah travelling.

Tepatlah ketika moto tersebut berkumandang, bahwa benar Now Everyone Can Fly.

 Burung Macaw di Chimelong Xiang Jiang Safari Park, Guang Zhou

 Reruntuhan Gereja St. Paul di Macau

 Victoria Harbor di Hong Kong

 Pemandangan Kota Bangkok dari Baiyoke Tower

Panyee Village di Phuket

Pantai Padang Padang di Bali

- Ketika blog ini ditulis, saya baru saja memesan tiket ke Bali untuk Agustus 2015. Bali, bersiaplah di bulan Februari dan Agustus. Jepang, tunggu saya di bulan Mei. Tak sabar!!!!
- Untuk foto-foto lainnya, bisa diakses di heinzious.blogspot.com. 
- Untuk cerita perjalanan saya, bisa dibaca di blog ini juga. 
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Monday, January 16, 2012

Last Night

It's a 2010 movie actually, but it is on theater. Yeah, I watched it on 2012. Still, it's a good movie.

Joanna (Keira Knightley) and Michael (Sam Worthington) had been married for 3 years. It was a happy marriage. Someday, when Michael should take a business trip with a beautiful yet attractive colleague, that her wife was jealous too, Joanna met her past love. It was only one night. But everything could happen.

Keira played so good, at least for me. Her expression of struggling was shown very well. For an Australian born, Sam's British accent was good. With not too much expression, Sam also showed what he'd been struggling along the movie.

The film might bore you a while, but I suggest you to sit still for it's kinda good. Somehow the director kinda tell us that men are easier to give up when it comes to temptation. Enjoy!
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I find my self between days of works. I am caught in my routine. It is somehow meaningless.

No passion. I feel like a robot, though I have never been one. I am listening to love songs, and none can touch me. I read books and I don't enjoy any of them. I watch movies and they are just 'as-usual'. My heart is frozen. What the hell is going on with me?

I feel like I could enjoy laying on my bed all day. But wait, it bores me too!!! Damn it!
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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jakarta - Tuk Tuk Siadong

I woke up on 5 am. It was Wednesday, July 27 2011. Getting myself ready, I went to SoeTa airport, starting my 5 days vacation in North Sumatra, Indonesia.

My flight departed exactly at 7 am. Spending almost two hours in the sky was not enough. My plane was on Medan's sky, while the pilot told us that we could not land, because there was an accident down there. So he took us back to Pekanbaru. Spending another two hours up above was sucks, really. And indeed, it ruined our plan.

I, and my friend, planned to catch a ferry to Gunung Sitoli, Nias at 8 pm. And it would took about 8 hours driving from Medan to Sibolga, where we would take that ferry. There are only 2 ferries depart for Gunung Sitoli a day. Arriving at Medan on 12 pm made us canceled our plan to Nias. So, we went to Parapat, instead. Sitting for another 5 hours in a car, with a careless driver, who drove like he had 9 lives, was exhausting. I spent 90K rupiahs for it. The driver dropped us at Pematang Siantar and made us transit to a 'angkot'. Damn!! I really suggest you to take Tobali Travel and make a reservation before.

Arriving in Parapat, we were amazed by its view. It was worth for almost a half day trip. It took one hour for us to get to Tomok, in Samosir island by a small boat, which cost us 4K rupiahs. The scenery was really great.

We stayed over night at Tuk-Tuk Siadong, and it was approximately 3 kilometers from Tomok. You'll be offered a 'taxi' for 50K rupiahs to get you to Tuk-Tuk Siadong, or an 'ojek' for 20K rupiahs. If you go there with a group consist of more than 5 person, it would be good to take that taxi. We chose to walk. It was pretty dark, coz there was barely lamp on the street, and it was 7pm. If you arrive at Parapat before 4pm, there are boats that directly take you to Tuk-Tuk Siadong.

Bagus Bay Hotel was our choice to stay there. A clean room for two, without breakfast, costed us 150K a night. There's Batak dance show every night on 8.30 pm at the hotel. It was quite quiet at night. Check my photos here.
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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Being Single

"Kapan mau nikah? Udah pas loh umurnya."
"Ayolah, papa mama mu sudah pengen cucu tuh!"
"Cari cewek donk."

Marriage is somehow a must in this country, at least for the elders. I won't mind coming to wedding parties, I do enjoy family gatherings as well. There's a big BUT coming in.....

Lemme start with my simple question, when we ask someone (that is not really close to us) about his/her personal life, do we really care? Or are we just playing nice?

Though I don't like being asked about this kind of my personal life, I, well, try to be nice. So I smile and use this 'we-will-see' statement as a default answer.

I'm not saying I don't wanna be in a relationship. But I don't wanna be reckless. It's a lifetime matter, for my sake. Being single is an option, and for now I've chosen that path. I'm not ashamed of being single and I don't think it is an embarrassment for anyone.

The thing is I am happy now. You might ask what my parents think about this, whether they are okay with my being single or not. I tell you this, they understand.

I have been nice these times, but I'm getting tired being asked that foolish yet pretend-to-be-caring questions over and over. So, please, unless you can prove me that having a partner can make me happier than I am now, you'd better not ask me to find one nor worse, ask me when I will marry someone. Cause if you think you are nice by asking those, you are just wrong.
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Monday, January 24, 2011

A Moment We Shared

I could stay awake just to hear your breathing
Watch your smile while you were sleeping

Dentingan nada lagu Aerosmith itu mengalun di benakku. Baru kali ini aku mampu memahami maknanya. Memandangmu yang terbaring nyenyak di sampingku, mampu mengukir senyuman di wajahku. Tak lama, ku memelukmu dan terlelap.

Terbangun mendapati bibirmu menyentuh dahiku, kubuka mata dan melihatmu menatapku. Sempat terhenyak, kulemparkan senyum padamu. Kau pun tersenyum. Indah. Aku tahu yang kurasa dan aku pun mengerti rasa yang kau punya. Namun sayang, kantuk saat itu membuatku kembali menutup mata.

Campuran keheningan malam, dan pikiranku yang sudah tidak menyatu dengan raga, aku menyadari ini adalah yang pertama dan ini pula lah yang terakhir. Tapi aku tetap tersenyum. Tersenyum untuk momen ini. Momen yang pernah kita jalani

Entah aku bermimpi atau aku benar-benar mendengarnya, Michael Buble samar-samar bernyanyi..

You were my one more chance
I never thought I'd find
you were the one romance
I've always known in my mind
No one will ever touch me more
and I only hope that in return
I might have saved the best of me for you

Aku tertidur dalam kedamaian jiwa, menyambut esok dengan senyuman.

And we'll have no ending if we can hold on
and I think I've come this far because of you
could be no other love but ours will do

*inspired by a friend who just had a wonderful journey
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Harry Potter 7 : Couple Things that Differ the Movie from the Book

When I watched the movie, I saw so many differences, here are some of them that I remembered, based on the book.

- There was one wizard and one witch that picked up Dursley's family on Privet Drive.
- Hermione didn't pull Harry's hair. It was Harry pull his own hair.
- Thestral could not be seen by them who'd never saw death.
- Hedwid died in his cage.
- Harry and Hagrid came to The Burrows with a portkey, not on Hagrid's bike.
- Harry and Ginny didn't kiss in the kitchen and were caught by George.
- Kingsley's patronus that came to Bill and Fleur wedding was a lynx not a ball.
- It was the waiter who told Rowfel and Dolohov about Harry, Ron and Hermione.
- The shadow of Albus in Grimmauld Place were asking them, not just scaring them.
- Harry summoned Kreacher, and didn't found him in the kitchen cupboard.
- Mundungus Fletcher told that the toad-face-like woman who took the Slyrherin's locket. He didn't looked Umbridge pictures on Daily Prophet and told Harry that was that woman.
- Harry sat beside Hermione when they saw Slytherin's locket on Umbridge's neck.
- The effect of Polyjuice Potion didn't wear of when Harry and his friends were still in the Ministry of Magic.
- They apparated from the Ministry of Magic, didn't use the floo magic.
- Ron's body splinched, not just hurt.
- Harry and Hermione never cursed the Slytherin's locket for they already knew it wouldn't be destroyed on usual magic.
- Harry and Hermione didn't dance.
- Harry and Hermione did drink Polyjuice potion and disguised into Muggles when they visited Godric Hollow.
- Hermione didn't find Bathilda Bagshot's body.
- There were no spider came out from Slytherin's locket when it was open.
- Riddle-Harry and Riddle-Hermione weren't naked when they kissed.
- Ron only listened to Potterwatch after he came back, not before it.
- Harry put the Snitch inside his mouth, not just kissed it.
- Ron wore the Cloak of invisibility when they apparated from the Lovegood's house (Hermione's idea, so that Ron wouldn't be seen by Death Eaters, when Hermione obliviated Harry to save Xenophilus from Voldemort)
- Harry and his friends were caught by Snatchers because Harry spelled 'VOLDEMORT' in their tent. There was no chasing.
- Hermione suffered and screamed because of Cruciatus curse, not because of knife slice.
- There was Dean Thomas in Malfoy's Mannor, captured together along Luna and Olivander.
- Harry put Sirius broken mirror on Hagrid's pouched, not in his sock.
- It was Grey Fenrir who took Harry and Ron to the dungeon, not Peter Pettigrew.
- Peter should be dead, his throat sliced with his own hand.
- Harry spelled Expeliarmus on Draco, not grabbed Draco's wand like cat-fight.
- Dobby's only came back when he dropped the chandelier, not before it.
- Gellert Grindewald never told Voldemort that the Elder Wand was in Albus possesion.

I'll add more when I remember. Hehehehehe.... Flap more...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Let Me Go

It's been four years I've been here, working my ass of to get some income. And it's been more than a year this job became pain on it.

I'm tired. I'm tired doing this routine. I'm tired of whining over my job. And mostly, I'm tired of swearing everytime my boss does something really stupid. I'm tired of his fake promises and bull-shits. I'm really tired.

I wish I cud throw a stick, so he will go after it and leave me alone. Wogh.

I never thought of resigning, hmm... I did, but I let those thoughts go away, since I didn't think I'm capable enough to work but in IT area, and the truth is IT bored me.

Then this offer came to me, a proposal for me to work in other department, business area. Then I asked my boss so tat I cud move out. But he didn't let me.

Weird, since he complained about my behavior towards him, but he still wanted to keep me here. Yeah, I admit I didn't put good manner, but it was because I was sick of him. I did try to be nicer. But everytime I'm being nice he treats me like a slave. So I didn't bother to be nice, 'coz it would be easier that way.

Maybe I was looked like a rebel. Indeed I was, or maybe I still am. I just wanted to move out. So he cud hire a better person. Win-win solution, eh? But he didn't let me.

Just let me go!!! Sooner is better, for both of us. Or else I'll show you what I'm really capable of. I'm not playing games. I am tired and so are you. So, why don't you just let me go? There's no point keeping me here for everyone sake.
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